The article, "New Study reveals why some people are more creative then others", did not seem to add any insight to the issue or help me understand creative versus not creative people any better. It did not show ways we can help kids become more creative as they are growing up or ways adults can tap into their creative side. This article might be a good start to eventually uncovering these things but as of right now, it is not very helpful to people in their day-to-day life. While, this article might be fascinating to scientists researching creativity and people able to understand the words used in the article like, "executive control network", or, "functional connectivity", I do not believe this was a life-altering article that everyone needs to read and understand. My biggest takeaway from this article is the hope that comes with the article. The hope that we may understand creativity so well in the future that we can help generations to come. The hope that we may be able to educate future generations in a way that increases their creativity and impacts them in a positive way everyday.
Works Cited
Beaty Postdoctoral Fellow in Cognitive Neuroscience, R. (2020, July 31). New study reveals why some people are more creative than others. Retrieved September 01, 2020, from