Monday, August 31, 2020

Why are some people more creative then others?

     The article, "New Study reveals why some people are more creative then others", did not seem to add any insight to the issue or help me understand creative versus not creative people any better. It did not show ways we can help kids become more creative as they are growing up or ways adults can tap into their creative side. This article might be a good start to eventually uncovering these things but as of right now, it is not very helpful to people in their day-to-day life. While, this article might be fascinating to scientists researching creativity and people able to understand the words used in the article like, "executive control network", or, "functional connectivity", I do not believe this was a life-altering article that everyone needs to read and understand. My biggest takeaway from this article is the hope that comes with the article. The hope that we may understand creativity so well in the future that we can help generations to come. The hope that we may be able to educate future generations in a way that increases their creativity and impacts them in a positive way everyday.

Works Cited

        Beaty Postdoctoral Fellow in Cognitive Neuroscience, R. (2020, July 31). New study reveals why some people are more creative than others. Retrieved September 01, 2020, from

Dr. Raul Cuero's Interview

    Dr. Raul's interview was fascinating and there was nothing that he said that I disagreed with. I believe that if everyone approached ethnic, social, economic, and racial injustice the way Dr. Raul did, this world would be better off and we could have avoided a lot of suffering and hurt, especially in the past 6 months. His viewpoint was to not over react to prejudice but instead extract local judgement from your life and approach everything you do with such intensity that you change someone's expectations of you. The most influential quote he had in his interview in my opinion was, "Be good and respect people." These few words could change lives and impact the world in a positive way if they were taken seriously. Everything Dr. Raul had to overcome he did with a positive attitude. This translated over to his students so they truly believed anything is possible with hard work. Whether your takeaway was to approach hardships with a positive attitude, do everything in your life with intensity, or enjoy the process instead of the results, I think Dr. Raul had some very impressive life advice. I had a very positive impression of Dr. Raul Cuero and I enjoyed the interview immensely.

Sophie Shrader Bio Picture

Hi guys! 

Welcome to my blog.

My name is Sophie Shrader and I attached a picture of me playing my favorite hobby below.

A little bit about me...
Soccer has been a part of my life for as long as I remember. It's my favorite hobby and I will actually be playing on the UT soccer team this year. I transferred to Tampa from the University of South Florida where I also played soccer. I'm in my sophomore year and this is my first semester as a UT student. I'm currently majoring in human performance but I've changed my major 4 times, so we will see if this major sticks. This summer I started my own private training company for soccer and fitness and I'm thrilled to say that I have over 35 clients now! After college I want to build a soccer academy where I can continue to private train. Last week I created a logo for my company and I will be releasing t-shirts soon. I attached a picture of my logo below. I'm excited to learn how to balance classes, work, and soccer practices this semester.

Thanks for reading!
Sophie Shrader

Music works and comments assignment

 Rap For rap my favorite artist is Macklemore. I think he takes very important social issues and brings awareness to them. My favorite song ...