Monday, October 26, 2020

21st Century Assignment

In previous decades transportation was an up and coming commodity that was needed for the advancement of the future of the world. Wagons were created to aid in the way people travel from place to place but as the world's technology began to develop farther into modern day, a more efficient way of travel was needed. In order to travel across the world and deal with states and other nations in a timely matter the engine was created. The engine started with cars and aided in fast and easy transportation. But still the influence of wagons did not stop there. Planes then came and made it possible to travel over seas within a day. I think the development of this aided in what we know as the world today. Travel in the future will continue to be influenced because travel is always looking to be faster, safer and even go as far as better for the environment.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Editing Tools

 I have done very little editing in my life. This is surprising given that my brother owns the you tube channel, Proceeding Boldly. Because I would be completely useless when it came to any sort of editing advice, I asked him. I know he uses adobe premier pro and puts a lot of effort into his videos. Here is what he said: "Exponential fade is a setting that you can apply to your audio clips to have them fade out. This creates a smooth transition from soundtrack to soundtrack." This is something that would make your videos smoother and sound professional.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Extra Credit - Dada movement

 Dada or Dadaism is a very important art movement that happened in the early 20th century. This was a controversial art movement. The whole movement goes against what peoples idea of "art" is. Duchamp was the father of this movement by making "art" by gluing a wheel and a table together. One of my favorite quotes is by Helena Bonham, “I think everything in life is art. What you do. How you dress. The way you love someone, and how you talk. Your smile and your personality. What you believe in, and all your dreams. The way you drink your tea. How you decorate your home. Or party. Your grocery list. The food you make. How your writing looks. And the way you feel. Life is art.” I agree with this quote 100%. Of course something can be art even if it is an upside down urinal. It is art because it makes people think, have discussions and debates, and learn more about themselves and the world around them.

Performance art definiton

 Performance art creates a type of art through live action. The artist often uses their own body as a medium and they preform their work live to an audience. There are many variations of this including many that are very common today, such as dance and poetry. Personally, my favorite form of performance art is spoken word poetry. I first fell in love with this type of performance art when I saw Sarah Kay's spoken word poetry, "If I should have a daughter". Later, I saw a youtube video from ClickForTaz titled, "It's okay to not be okay". These spoken word poems made such an impact on me that I remember from them six years ago and re-watched them to be more familiar with performance art for this assignment. This art form combines a visual art form with a performance. I believe this is so important because it gives the artist a chance to express their passion for their artwork in a dramatic and physical way.

Music works and comments assignment

 Rap For rap my favorite artist is Macklemore. I think he takes very important social issues and brings awareness to them. My favorite song ...